Our fourth CannaVenture™, the campout, was incredible and let us all escape into the mountains.
Well, I have to say, I had some pretty high expectations for this campout, and you all helped me blow those out of the water. After arriving late Friday night and burning one down with the first campfire of the outing, I passed out to wake up early and prep the spot for everyone as they woke up to the location.
The secret location email went out at 9am. Shortly thereafter, people began hiking and driving up the mountain with their gear and the campout had begun. We set up at a secluded spot in the Washoe Gulch off of some backroad 4×4 trails that provided a unique entry into the secretive location. As attendees began to roll in, hammocks, tents, and tarps were set up, the fire was built up, and the weed was rolled.
CVC Recap
-<40 People
-5 Dogs
-Secret Location
-1.2 Miles of Dirt Road
-Lots of High Spirits
We were lucky enough to have a few cars with power inverters that allowed us to run a few enails and a rosin press. As the fire built itself up, the weather threw some light rain and hail our way, so we set up some tarps in the common areas and continued to enjoy some responsible use in the mountains.
Mid-afternoon, a few campers participated in our Blunts & Crafts activity that resulted in two eight ounce cross blunts and a quarter ounce party blunt powered by Karmaceuticals. The KarmaKrew also showed up with a bunch of pre-rolls for campfire smoking and our early morning Wake N’ Bake on Sunday.
When news spread of the Medicated Brats that would be arriving, a collective firewood effort was begun and with hatchets and saws in hand, the crew set out to chop up some dead logs from the area for a toasty cooking fire.
As the day turned to night, the Medicated Brats (or “Pot Brats,” as they were nicknamed) arrived and were thrown onto stakes and roasted over the fire. Everyone enjoyed the culinary works of Stoned Sweets and Elev(ate) Infused Dinners, and we all ended the night on a much more elevated level. So much so in fact that we forgot to make our s’mores.
Sunday morning, everyone slowly awoke to breakfast treats from The Flower Gerrls and Wake N’ Bake joints rolled with Golden Goat by the KarmaKrew. As the fire got built up, the leftover brats became breakfast sausages, and the morning was off to quite an elevated start.
We hosted a “Fastest Roller” competition after breakfast that ended with a blunt being rolled in under 30 seconds! Each participant was given a gram of unground flower and a rolling paper/blunt of their choice. The flower had to be hand ground, and the finished product had to be smokable. Our lucky winner walked away with an extra half-eight of Karma Flower!
As some members prepped for early departure and others looked for a short hike to explore, the group began the takedown process for the site. After multiple rides up and down the trail, the crew did a final once-over of the area, grabbed all the trash bags and packed our way out. The event couldn’t have been such a success without our sponsors. Thank you to Urban Dispensary, GroovTube, Extracts Inc, The Flower Gerrls, Elev(ate), Stoned Sweets, and Karmaceuticals for making this event possible.
More details on the next event will follow shortly, but here are the basics:
Our official CannaVenture™ #5 will be July 31st. More details will come in the next week or so, but mark your calendars: It’s a hike, no camping, and it may be a bit more family-friendly for those inclined. More info to come.
For those that JUST CANNOT WAIT until July 31st, there will be a more intense, unofficial CannaVenture™ on July 16th. There will likely not be many sponsors or a large group, but the plan will be to do the first CannaVenture 14er at Mt. Bierstadt. Again, more information to come.
As always, if you or someone you know would like to sponsor an event, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at Ben@creativebenefits.org or @Cannabenoid on Instagram.
P.S. Don’t forget to join the Group and RSVP to the event on Facebook.
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